Tennessee Republican Party Executive Committee Passes Resolution Asking Governor Lee to Forgo Special Session

The Tennessee Republican State Executive Committee passed a resolution on Saturday that calls on Governor Bill Lee to forgo calling the Tennessee General Assembly for a special session addressing “public safety,” according to a report by the Chattanooga Times Free Press.

Committee member Chris Morris from State Senate District 28, introduced the resolution which,  according to the report, read, “The Tennessee Republican Party encourages Gov. Bill Lee to reconsider and not have a special session Aug. 21, 2023.”

Shortly after announcing the legislative special session, scheduled to convene in two weeks on August 21, Lee said he would “meet with legislators, stakeholders and Tennesseans throughout the summer to discuss practical solutions ahead of the special session” in the meantime.

However, as recently noted by State Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson (R-Franklin) on The Tennessee Star Report, Lee “has not said anything to lawmakers about what he is aiming to accomplish.”

Johnson added that, “typically the work regarding whatever is to be considered is developed and circulated and discussed prior to convening that special session.”

“We don’t typically convene a special session to go in and then start figuring out what we want to do, what we want to pass,” he said.

Lee initially called for Red Flag Laws in response to the March 27 shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville, to which Republican legislators said they will not introduce legislation for.

At the end of April, Lee vowed that the collection writings by the killer collectively known as “the Manifesto” would be released “very soon.”

But, amid a flurry of legal action by The Tennessee Star and others, the Manifesto is still hidden from public scrutiny.

Meanwhile, a series of undercover recordings obtained by The Star revealed far-left activists have begun planning protests to coincide with Lee’s special session in order to pressure lawmakers to swiftly pass Red Flag gun control laws. The would-be protesters discuss their intention to be armed, disable law enforcement vehicles, their arrests, and their ultimate goals going forward.

Since then, a considerable amount of lawmakers and organizations have spoken out against Lee’s call for a special session.

The Tennessee Firearms Association (TFA), for example, launched a media campaign opposed to Lee’s call for a special session in the General Assembly to consider possible gun control legislation, known as “Red Flag Down.” TFA has also warned that Lee is “conspiring with Democrats” to craft a “surprise gun control agenda” for the special session.

In addition, the Tennessee Faith and Freedom Coalition (TNFFC) has called Lee’s proposed special session “ill-advised,” citing credible evidence that far left activists intend to disrupt the session and may pose a significant threat to the safety of legislators and the public in general at the Capitol in Nashville.

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Editor’s note: This story has been corrected to reflect that Chris Morris introduced the resolution.

Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Photo “Gov. Bill Lee” by Gov. Bill Lee.



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5 Thoughts to “Tennessee Republican Party Executive Committee Passes Resolution Asking Governor Lee to Forgo Special Session”

  1. Joe Blow

    Tim Price – Lee has been a disaster from the start. The first thing he did of note was hiring Penny Schwinn as the head of education. Then he single-handedly decided to continue to accept “refugees” from the federal government when he could have opted out. He consulted with absolutely no one except maybe his wife before doing that.

    Makes one wonder if he has a big donor in the Catholic Charities considering the “non-profit” makes ton of money by taking a “refugee” and teaching them how to live off of the government.

    I heard that one Nashville school has students that speak 31 different languages and another that has 28. That cost citizens real bucks in terms of costs (extra teachers, etc.) and in lost learning by citizens’ children.

    No, Lee was a RINO loser from the start. And we have over 2 more years of him.

  2. Ron W

    Governor Lee is appeasing and capitulating to the neo-Bolsheviks and their historical agenda:

    “A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie.”
    —Vladimir Lenin

  3. Ron W

    The Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit should at least be changed to a Firearms Carry Permit. Do that during this session!

    levelheadedconservative, thanks for actually quoting our Constitutional Carry Permit from the Tennessee ConstitutionDeclaration of Rights. According to the wording there, the Legislature only has delegated power to regulate the WEARING of arms, such as requiring a sidearm be holstered and a long gun be carried with a sling. Anything more is UNLAWFUL!

  4. Tim Price

    Lee is turning into a real disappointment!

  5. levelheadedconservative

    The Repubs have been infromed of the Gov’s intention to call a special session. They should be prepared for it:

    Article I, Section 26, of the Tennessee State Constitution:

    That the citizens of this state have a right to keep and to bear arms for their common defense; but the Legislature shall have power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms with a view to prevent crime.

    During this special session, if it is actually called, the legislators will likely review codes:

    Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17-13xx

    If any changes are made, they should make it EASIER for law abiding citizens to carry. Altering some of the subsection chapters can make this happen.

    especially change -1309 (c)(1) TO ALLOW the carry of weapons, by non-students, on school grounds in an effort to dissuade the criminal element from thinking that a school is a gun free zone where there would be no resistance to violent malintent.

    This could, perhaps, be joined with a program funding voluntary active shooter training for any school teacher and/or administrator who desires such training. This rarely needed skill set will buttress the defense against criminal intent of criminal gun use violence.

    When coupled with the state offer to fund SROs (assuming it is utilized) this would most effectively stop any potential violent perpetrator from considering to attack vulnerable children.

    perhaps – 1311,1359 and other subsections should be reviewed, as well.
